So today's topic is Educate Us on Something You're Good At (see? Told you it was hard)
*We are allowed to be serious and educational or funny and sarcastic
I'm not really sure on this one to be honest with you. I basically sat for a while and then....."What AM I good at?" is all I could hear over and over in my head.
Maybe it's the fact that we are taught not to brag or be boastful from a young age. It could also be those tiny insecurities creeping in and saying "you're not really good at much so why would I write a post about it for the whole virtual world to see?"
But after a few talks back and forth with myself I decided that I'm fairly good at a few things:
- Cooking. I'm good for coming up with some creative recipes on occasion that seem to always be a big hit when I put my heart into it. It's called "Tiff Love" around these parts.
- Designing on a budget. I am excellent at looking at a fancy magazine or photo and finding almost the exact same look for nearly a 1/4 of the price. You want everything you just saw on Houzz on a budget? DONE - I'm you're girl!
- Event Planning. I have to say I am darn good at organizing and pulling off all different kinds of events {again, usually on a budget}. These can range from a weekend at a Jimmy Buffett concert tailgate extravaganza set-up all the way to a pre-arranged seated dinner for 300+. People tell me all the time I should be an event planner. Maybe they are right.
- Being a work-a-holic. I'm very, very good at this. "Nothing to be proud of, Russ. Nothing to be proud of." I'm making a mental note that I would like to scratch this one off my list. But I am good at my job and there is pride in that.
- Being a good friend. While I may not be able to be with and/or see my friends as often I would like, I can tell you that I would drop everything in a minute to help one of them in need. They know they can ask me for help and I would be there in a jiffy.
- Painting. No, not art. Painting rooms and especially trim work. I'm not really sure why I'm so good at this. Maybe it was all those ceramic objects I always painted at the Plaster Fun House growing up?!?
- Vacationing and Traveling. I excel at these two things. Will someone let me know when Samantha Brown retires? I should really be next in line for her job.
- Crying, laughing, living and loving. I'm excellent at all of these things!
Stay tuned for Day 3 where we will talk about Things that Make Me Uncomfortable. That will be a good one!