May 2, 2013

Blog Challenge, Day 2 - Educate Us on Something You're Good At

Day Two of the Blog Every Day in May Challenge is upon me and I have to say that this topic is a little difficult for me to relate to.  I guess that is the point of this challenge; to make you go outside your normal comfort zone of writing blogging and to think outside the box a little bit.  I might surprise myself at the end of the month.  We shall see!  The fact that I'm actually writing something two days in a row is amazing in itself.

So today's topic is Educate Us on Something You're Good At (see?  Told you it was hard)
*We are allowed to be serious and educational or funny and sarcastic

I'm not really sure on this one to be honest with you.  I basically sat for a while and then....."What AM I good at?" is all I could hear over and over in my head.  

Maybe it's the fact that we are taught not to brag or be boastful from a young age.  It could also be those tiny insecurities creeping in and saying "you're not really good at much so why would I write a post about it for the whole virtual world to see?"

But after a few talks back and forth with myself I decided that I'm fairly good at a few things:
  • Cooking.  I'm good for coming up with some creative recipes on occasion that seem to always be a big hit when I put my heart into it.  It's called "Tiff Love" around these parts.  
  • Designing on a budget.  I am excellent at looking at a fancy magazine or photo and finding almost the exact same look for nearly a 1/4 of the price.  You want everything you just saw on Houzz on a budget?  DONE - I'm you're girl!
  • Event Planning.  I have to say I am darn good at organizing and pulling off all different kinds of events {again, usually on a budget}.  These can range from a weekend at a Jimmy Buffett concert tailgate extravaganza set-up all the way to a pre-arranged seated dinner for 300+.  People tell me all the time I should be an event planner.  Maybe they are right.
  • Being a work-a-holic.  I'm very, very good at this.  "Nothing to be proud of, Russ.  Nothing to be proud of."  I'm making a mental note that I would like to scratch this one off my list. But I am good at my job and there is pride in that.
  • Being a good friend.  While I may not be able to be with and/or see my friends as often I would like, I can tell you that I would drop everything in a minute to help one of them in need.  They know they can ask me for help and I would be there in a jiffy.  
  • Painting.  No, not art.  Painting rooms and especially trim work.  I'm not really sure why I'm so good at this.  Maybe it was all those ceramic objects I always painted at the Plaster Fun House growing up?!?
  • Vacationing and Traveling.  I excel at these two things.  Will someone let me know when Samantha Brown retires?  I should really be next in line for her job.
  • Crying, laughing, living and loving.  I'm excellent at all of these things!
Now, I'm not sure this list will educate anyone greatly or cause my post to go viral on the next best thing out in the blogosphere but maybe you've learned just a little more about me.

Stay tuned for Day 3 where we will talk about Things that Make Me Uncomfortable.  That will be a good one!

May 1, 2013

Life in 250 Words (or more)

I can't believe May is already upon us and I haven't been active on here (again) for a while.  My apologies!  So I was pretty excited when I came across this Blog Everyday in May Challenge from Story of my Life.
So here goes nothing.  I hope I can keep up with the daily posts and I hope you'll follow along.

Today is about the Story of My Life in 250 Words or Less {give or take}

I was born in the north but I grew up in Orlando, FL.
I was raised by my grandfather since birth.
I was a Catholic school girl early on (plaid school uniforms and all).
I was lucky enough to grow up in a great area and enjoyed biking all over the city with friends without a care in the world.
The first person I met in elementary school is still my best friend to this day.
Was the goalie of our high school soccer team.  Played golf.  
Worked and had a job since I was 15 years old.  
Went through a “rebellious/lashing out” time in my life during my junior year of high school but luckily came out better on the other side. 
Moved to North Carolina all by myself where I went to school. 
Moved back to Orlando and spent some great times with friends and began my independent grown up life.  
More mistakes made.  Numerous lessons learned. Heartbreak and disappointment reared its ugly head at times.  Many insecurities.  Tears were shed but many laughs and fun memories remain within me.
Started my successful life long career.  
Left everything behind and moved to South Carolina.  Again...alone.
Moved back to North Carolina where I was lucky enough to meet the man of my dreams.  Married in Key West and happily married for almost 10 years!
Home buying.  Home remodeling.  Home selling.  More home buying.  More tears shed and more happy memories made.
Work.  Travel.  Work some more.  
Bought a boat!
Started a side business.  
Frequent many, many Jimmy Buffett concerts.
Christmas holidays spent in the mountains of Colorado.  Finally enjoy skiing.
Decided not to have children.
Lost 50 pounds.
Witnessed death of the only other man I've ever loved.  It was horrible and peaceful all at the same time.  
There are some regrets I have but not many.  
There is so much more to see and do but so far, my life is blessed.
{oops...way more than 250 (324) words.  Harder than I thought!}

March 19, 2013

Lordy - The Hubs Turns 40

The Invitation
In February I decided that my lovely husband needed to be celebrated.  After all, he was was turning 40 and he had never had a surprise party before.  Honestly, I don't think I have ever planned one either.  I don't know if you've ever planned one of these but I must admit I.Was.A.Wreck!  I mean I felt like I was keeping something horrible from him.  My stomach was knotted up, I couldn't sleep and I was just waiting for someone to spill the beans.  Luckily, everyone kept it on the down-low.  Thank you friends!

The hubs is a huge parrot head and since the venue had more of a British gastro-pub feel, I had to adjust quickly from my original tropical Buffett paradise idea to a "Pirate Looks at 40" theme.

The night turned out great.  The hubs was genuinely surprised and even though we woke up to a winter wonderland and it snowed....all day.....everyone seemed to have a great time.  All my time and energy seemed to pay off.

Highlights from the night!  I love the shark fruit display. 
Luckily I had my friend Liz help me pull the evening off.  Not only did she open her schedule to help me run around all day doing last minute errands, arts and crafts, etc. but she also got back to the venue to welcome everyone and help arrange the big "SURPRISE"  reveal.  She also helped take pictures and helped me decorate.  We bought gold coins, beads, treasure chests, pirate masks, photos booth props and pirate balloons and so much more stuff. We had tons of fun.  Liz, if you're reading....thank you!  I couldn't have done all of this with out you. So when do we start that party planning business again?

My favorite thing of all the food display was that shark watermelon fruit display up above.  How great is that?!  The people at Oxford were awesome.  Check them out! The sous chef did that at the last minute as a surprise for me. nice. I was so excited about it (I know, its just a fruit display) but it's those little things that make a party memorable.
Not only did we have our own private room but we also had our own bartender and even he got in the spirit of the evening.  So fun!
Thanks Andy!  You were great!
More Pirate Party Fun with friends 
Pirate Cake Pops from Raleigh Cake Pops.  Those were amazing and yummy.

We all had a great time.  I think the hubs really enjoyed his party and it was so great to spend time with our friends and family celebrating the best guy I know.  (Note to self: For his 50th - plan a trip instead.)

March 12, 2013

Things I'm Loving Lately

There are a few things I've been obsessed with lately and I thought I would share just a few of them with all of you.  

Baskets - I'm using them everywhere and the nautical vibe of this one is right up my alley.

I'm loving the look of the garden stool this season.  You can use them indoors and out.

This necklace.  One word:  Amazing!  I've already ordered mine.  You can get yours here.

Chippendale Chairs.  They are coastal chic yet casual all at the same time.  I need this!

This Vineyard Vines Whale Hat.  Ummmm....yes please!

A mint green Tahiti Beach Cruiser  I hope the hubs reads this post.  I think he should buy it for me.  Don't you?

I'm OBSESSED with anything and everything chevron right now.  Pillows, artwork, wallpaper for my IPhone, dresses....anything.  If it's chevron I'm in!

The color navy.  It's nautical.  It's classy.  It's awesome.  Sign me up.

A dog.  Not just any ole dog but this cutie golden doodle.  He will be mine. 

So there you have it.  Just a few of the latest items I've loving lately.
What are you loving right now?

February 6, 2013

Words for Wednesday

I've been feeling a little overwhelmed and overworked lately.  It seems like in this life we are looked upon poorly unless we're all moving at speeds only allowed on a NASCAR racetrack.  So, tonight, instead of coming home and opening my laptop to do decided that I would try to find some solace in some quotes.
I came across this one in which I think can speak to all of us.  It's from a very wise man.

Wow!  There it was, staring me right in the face at a time that I probably needed it the most.  It just jumped off the screen at me.  I mean, how happy are we?  I believe that most of the time you create your own happiness but sometimes with our busy lives, careers, obligations and responsibilities we forget that we need time to pause and reflect and to

Not only be but to be happy.  I don't know about you but I've felt like I've lost that feeling for myself lately.
So starting today...right this very minute...I'm going to pause, breathe and be happy.  I hope you will join me.  

January 21, 2013

New Blog, New Year, New Me

Well, hello!  It's been a loooong time since I've been doing this bloggin' thing.  May 2012 to be exact. To say that my life schedule has been a little insane would be a major understatement!

Between traveling all over the Carolinas for tournaments, trying to squeeze in some beach time here and there and then leading up a LARGE project at work for over 160,000 individual members and 700 clubs beginning in June.  That pretty much sucked any free time I had right out the window!

SO!  What have I been up to besides work and working some more you ask?  Well, for one....I've been working hard to lose more weight.  Luckily, I've been able to complete this task even with all the stress and ridiculousness of a sleep schedule I've been keeping.

As some of you know from my facebook posts I've been working hard at trying to get slim.  It's taken about three years and a lot of early mornings at the gym but I've managed to take off about 50 pounds and get down from a size 16 to a size 10!  I can't even believe I just told you I was a size 16 but who cares because now I'm a size 10 people!!!  I'm working hard to stay there and so far, so good!

(L) Before: Me -- August 2009 over 2 bills (yes really) -- (R) After: Me earlier this year down 50 lbs!
On to the New Year of 2013.  I can't believe its already here.  January is flying by.  I wish time would slow down a bit though.  Wouldn't that be nice?  It's all going a little to fast for me.  The hubs and I were able to sneak away for our annual Christmas ski trip to Telluride, CO.  It was beautiful out there, just as it always is.  I'm getting better at skiing and finding my way on the mountain.  I'll update you on our trip in a few days.  Still need to get all the photos off the camera.  Work got in the way a few days but I say it's still better to work with a hot chocolate in your hand with snow capped mountain views than being stuck in the office.  So all was not lost.

I did reflect on the past year though and I'm really going to try and do the following things in 2013. In no particular order:
  • Not work so much!  I do not get paid enough!  I really, really don't.
  • Use all my PTO in 2013.  I lost almost two weeks in 2012.  I've never done that...EVER!
  • Go out on our boat more in 2013.  We only used it twice last year.  
  • Play more golf.  I haven't touched my clubs since August and I was finally getting the golfing bug back.  
  • Spend more quality time with the hubs -- not talk about work so much.  (We work together so sometimes this is hard)
  • See my friends more.  
  • Keep working out and getting tone and fit.
  • Do more Yoga
  • Save more money
  • Go on more trips (OK, so this could hurt the "save more money" idea)
  • Drink more water
  • Keep up with my blog.
  • Win the lottery so I don't have to work anymore!  (Ha - I was just seeing if you were still here)
  • Get back my work hard -- play harder life mentality.  Except maybe not work so hard anymore.  Life is too short!
So as you can see I thought a lot about things and how I've been living my life.  The hard work ethic my Grandfather instilled in me is a blessing and curse at all the same time.  What is a girl to do?!?

I'm also proud to say that I've decided to get back into my blogging and hope that it can turn in to something more down the road.  Whatever that might be.  I enlisted the help of a lovely lady from Etsy who helped me re-design the whole thing.  She was short of AH-MAZ-ING!  Check her out at Little Web Writing Hood  Ask for Jana.  Tell her I sent you.  

Anyhow, thanks for staying with me, even through my hiatus.  I promise to do better in 2013 and beyond.  I hope you enjoy my new project.  I'm excited about the new design and ideas I have piled up in my head.  I'm also looking forward to using this blog as an outlet for my love of the coast and design.  Not to mention all the funny photos and stories I'll have along the way from our trips and adventures.  

I hope you guys will stay tuned!  Until next time!

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